Aquariums · December 12, 2022 0

One Month Update: Healthy Severum Fry with Stable Growth and Feeding Routine

The severum fry have made it 1 month since hatching. They are fairly stable with little to no casualties every day. In fact its been over a week since the last dead fry was spotted so I would say we are in great shape now.

They are getting a daily dose of brine shrimp in the form of a frozen tube. I was able to make a large batch of brine shrimp and freeze them which has been working perfectly.

I was feeding them 3 times a day at the very beginning however I noticed that they would engorge themselves so I backed off to twice a day but it just seemed that they were eating too much. So once a day seems to be doing well. I may adjust in the future as they start to grow out.

I am down to water changes (30%) once a week. I drain water down in the tank and scrub the walls and floor with a brush. Then I fill with water from the larger tank, so I don’t have to treat anything.

I’ll give another update at the end of the month to keep track of their progress.