This will serve as my lawn plan for the fall in 2021. I need to make sure I do everything just right, in the right order so it will be successful.
The idea is to flatten the front yard some with soil and overseed the entire front yard with fresh grass seed. This is what I will need to get the job done.
- Couple yards of topsoil
- Tenacity Herbicide
- Surfactant (to help make the Tenacity stick to things)
- Starter Fertilizer
- Peat Moss
- GCI Turf Cool Blue Grass Seed
- Leveling Rake
- Dump Cart
- Power Rake / Dethaching Tool
- Backpack Sprayer
When the time comes, its going to be a mad dash to get all of this done before any rain comes.
First thing to do would be to mow fairly low and make sure to bag up any clippings. Then I will need to use my dethatching power rake to dig out any debris in the lawn and expose the soil for what is about to come next.
Then I would want to spread out as much topsoil I can to flatten out any ruts and holes in the lawn. To do this I plan on having the local landscape place dump off the soil in the driveway and I just move it to a dump cart and dump it off in piles in the lawn where needed. Then just attack it with a leveling rake.
At this point, I should have a levelish lawn to apply my liquid fertilizer and herbicide. In will go the fertilizer, herbicide, and surfactant (and lots of water too!) into my backpack sprayer and I will spray it everywhere doing a blanket spray on the lawn. The idea is to treat the soil for the new seeds to thrive.
Once the spray treatment is done, the plan is to let that dry a bit and then overseed with a ton of seed. I have excess seed from last year so I plan to put it all down. Too much can’t hurt but it will be a waste if I don’t use it all. We’ll see how much I get put down.
Finally, on the bare spots I will throw down some peat moss to help keep the new seed moist and in place. Also helps keep the birds from eating my seeds.
All that is left is to water, water, water, water as much as possible to keep the ground wet without run off. If I can pull this off, the front yard will look amazing. Possibly the best its ever been.
Hopefully the next post will be the project in action. I hope to finish it all in one day, but we’ll see how that goes. Would be nice to mow and dethatch in one day and the next day spread the soil everywhere and spray and seed the lawn. Lets see if mother nature will allow for it!